Friday, December 17, 2010

Keyword query interface for structured data

Fig1. The search result of "Actress from France"

Are you curious what actor or actress came from France? Are you curious what actor graduated from Stanford? What actor or actress came from the same school with me? What movies got 2010 academy awards? There are endless possible questions about the facts in the movie database. Actually all the answers of the above questions exist in the movie database like IMDB. However it's not easy at all to search for the answers for all the possible questions.

Fig 2. The search result of "2010 Korean action movie"

The keyword interface of NaverLab Semantic Movie Search provides for general users a way to easily search for the answers from database data. It functions like a restricted natural language interface. It is not a full natural language interface but accepts a multi-keyword query of the form of a noun phrase. The properties may be expressed as the adjectives or the propositional phrases attached to a noun.

Let's see another sample query "2010 action Korean movie" (Fig 2). '2010', 'action' and 'Korean' are properties applied to 'movie'. The query intent is obvious. The meaning is the movies that are produced in 2010, of action genre and made in Korea. Many interesting queries are possible by simply listing properties like this. This form of keyword query is easy for general users to understand and use.

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