Monday, December 20, 2010

Visualizing the concept of object

Fig. 1. Movie object, People object, Award object, Country object, School object (from the top)

NaverLab Semantic Movie Search is object search. In the object search the unit of information is object and the target of search is also objects. There are Movie objects: Avatar, Gladiator, Titanic, etc. There are People objects: James Cameron, Leonardo DiCaprio, Russell Crowe, etc. There are also Award objects, Country objects, and School objects, etc.

The search result of NaverLab Semantic Movie Search is always a set of the 5 kinds of objects (Movie, People, Award, Country, School). NaverLab Semantic Movie Search explicitly visualize the concept of the objects. Regardless of the kind(class) of the objects the same form of visualization is adopted. In Fig. 1 the samples of the five kinds of the objects are shown. A thumbnail image is on the left side and three important properties and values are on the right side. The Country and School objects do not have any properties.

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